I got this question the other day:
Silly question, just wanted to know if u can sketch what these creatures look like. I know u probably would not be able to photograph them, because ur too busy slaying them.Well, actually, I can't sketch them, because my drawing skills include stick figures and smiley suns in the corner of the page. Get enough Johnny Walker in me, and I may even draw a dog. But vamps? No way.
Really like to see what they look like.
Do you have a system in logging each creature you come into contact with? I guess what I'm trying to figure out besides from what you carry with you...if you journal any of your adventures in a book?
Are you a full time Vampyr Hunter?
But I was thinking of you yesterday, so I took along my camera phone and snapped a pic when I bagged a bloodmonkey.
I know, the picture sucks, but you try holding a crossbow at the right angle and managing a camera phone while lighting your picture with a big flashlight set on the floor. Ansel Adams I 'aint, but old Ansel didn't have a sleeping vamp to work around.
The next time I got a partner, I'll have him hold the camera (they make funnier faces when you toss holy water on them, but you need two hands to stake them after that).
In answer to your other question, I make reports to the Guild on a regular basis. Well, sorta; I'm behind on my paperwork, to be honest. However, I don't keep a book. This... blog-thing... is my journal. I know the Guild keeps written records, but I don't think you can just walk in and check them out like a library.
I am employed full-time as a hunter, if only so that they can be sure they can call on me, with no conflicts, 24/7. I do some contract jobs here and there - cabinetry, laying tile, etc. - because the pay sucks ass, but I don't get involved in any job I couldn't walk away from immediately.
Look, buddy, I get it. You read this stuff, you figure, "What the hell? It's a vaguely interesting story. Maybe I'll try one myself."
So you start your own blog, and you write a more interesting story, and then you figure, "Heck, I can make this guy's story more interesting too, y'know, help him out..." so you post a couple of comments to push the storyline along.
I appreciate that. I really do; and I'd think it was cool if I was writing a story. I sorta wish I was (God knows I'd be more gainfully employed in a fantasy, though).
Unfortunately, I'm not, which explains why it's so much more boring than yours. So please don't think me rude when I don't respond; I just don't know what to say and stuff.
That was a freaky photo. O.O sure took me out of my skin for a few secs. Thank you for the pic and answer to my question.
hi, i was just wonderin wether or not ur story and ur picture are actually real? i mean, im all interested in vampires and all that but, im not sure wether or not i believe that that there photo is an image of a real vampire as you say it is. do you have any more proof?
What kind of proof do you want? More pictures? Here's a thought: I hunt things that creep around in the shadows. I'm not going to get a nice clear shot of a vampyr in the park, playing frisbee or something. They're all going to be shitty, dark photos that people will think are doctored.
No offense intended, but I don't really care enough to present proof. And even if I did, I'm pretty sure Speaker Asslick would have my nuts for it.
And I'm certainly not taking any more pictures. Not 'till I have a partner anyway. Taking that last one was pretty stupid of me - could've gotten my ass bitten off.
have you got the buffy book of monsters cos i'm sure iv seen that pic in there sumwhere (i don't personally own that book it's a friend sisters)
hay "reverend" krauss, y do u get all tetchy wen ppl ask u about ur picture? there only questions!! or could it be that ur a lier?!! yeah ok it would b hard 2 take apic in the dark but have u ever heard of flash? and the "vampire" in the pic looks somewhat like a model (as in plastercine) and get a better profile pic cos ur pose really sucks ass.
hey fuck face what the fuck is this why tell people about shit like this the "vampires" will now have access to all your details you stupid fuck oh and by the way gods a fucking myth you twat take a look at were most of your fucking holidays and religeous belife's come from another religion you fucking rip off merchents get fucked and go to hell
Greetings and salutations to all you would be vampric hunters..I am a 1000 year old Vampire lord, and it sickens me to know that you ilk of the human existance, have you no thought to the pain you might cause my race upon hunting us? Nay, I do not think you do, hence why I shall now commence the blood hunt, in twelve nights from now a blood moon shall appear, and you shall see my face upon the moon, then..my hand slash across your throat..
Pwned by the Narki mother fuckers, suck on my godly ball sack..
Chuck Norris is not a role model..nor is jerking off in your parents basement to homosexual pornography...here..
Narki ^^
yeah go Narki!!! i totally agree!!! i'm sure i've seen that face in a video game before...... hmmmm... i might check that out!!! copy right is illegal you know, were ever you come form moron!!!
surely you could get kicked out of your "guild" for publishing all this stuff on the internet? i mean anyone can read it, even vampyrs, they're not as stupid as you seem to think. they're probably more intelligent than you!!!
i was reading ppls coments on this site. and not surprising enough, there idiots. ppl r deeply stupid now r they. wut can i say ppl reject the unfimilaur. but see i'm not stupid, i know theres more to this world than wut we can see or possibley understand. and as just a child of this world, i already know more than wut ppl can understand...
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