- Stake through the heart. A stake through the heart will work, but this is not as simple as grabbing a fence picket and giving a vampyr what-for. First of all, the stake has to be constructed from ash wood. Secondly, it has to be what is known as a grave stake, a cross that is designed to be driven into the ground as a stake. The cross can be crude or fancy; it doesn't matter. It must, however, be consecrated for use in blessing the dead. For this, I suggest getting ordained. Sure, the Bible's a big book, but reading it beats the hell out of being eaten. If you can whisper a quick consecration (I've got it down to under 5 seconds), you're in the bag.
Remember to pierce the heart entirely; you can't do this with your bare arms. You'll need a mallet to do this with. I suggest Sears; they have a great assortment of rubber mallets for a very reasonable price.
It is unwise to attempt to stake a vampyr in combat; this method is too clumsy, as it requires two hands and precise aim. Instead, it is better to invade a sleeping vampyr nest and quietly stake them. This method is preferred for exterminating vampyrs that were once friends, as it is more dignified than decapitation.
(Note: Ekkimu will not notice a stake through the heart, as their origin is not really the same as the vampyr. Forget the stake and get chopping.) - Silver through the heart. The whole thing about silver is its purity. Vampyrs can't stand purity (hence the consecrated ash wood). Silver through the heart will kill most weaker vampyrs. Silver through any other body part will sting like a bitch.
However, just like with the stake, the silver must be consecrated. Everything must be consecrated for this job. Everything I own is consecrated. Everything.
A note on silver bullets: Silver makes for bad bullets. It is too soft for ballistic use, and may misfire or fail to puncture the rib cage at enough velocity to pierce the heart. If you must use a silver projectile, use a silver-tipped arrow or bolt. It may look archaic, but it works.
I have heard of hunters using silver nitrate in various forms. This new-fangled shit doesn't hold much water, if you ask me. It will burn a vamp, but it will most likely not kill it, and holy water is a much cheaper vampyr corrosive. Forget silver nitrate.
(Note: the silver method works only on young (stripling) vampyrus vulgaris. Ekkimu and vrykolakas will be unaffected by silver, and older vulgaris may survive a silver heart-wound.) - Decapitation. This is, oddly enough, the easiest way to kill a vampyr, once they've been weakened with an assortment of other (consecrated) crap. I recommend a machete for this purpose. It's lightweight and you can purchase one at any major gardening store.
You do not have to consecrate an object for use in decapitation. Separate the head from the body, and you've won. It doesn't matter how you do it. However, having a holy machete does have its advantages. It cuts a little easier, hurts them a little more, and just generally makes you feel pretty cool having it. - Fire. Fire will kill a vampyr, so long as it is entirely consumed, and burned completely to ashes. Vampyrs are not, however, any more combustible than humans, so fire can be a really tricky tool. You need a lot of it, and you need to keep the vampyr - which, unlike a human, will not die quickly - from moving around and putting itself out. For these reasons, I don't recommend fire as a combative tool in most circumstances.
- Direct sunlight - Ah, the old standby. Sunlight. Vampyrs can not stand sunlight. Some of the old ones can take a little ambient sunlight, but there isn't a vamp alive that can take the God-light at full blast. They will burst into flames. This is by far the easiest, least risky, and most satisfying way to kill a vampyr, as it is one of the only vamp-lethal weapons that can't be turned against you.
Be aware that a flaming vampyr can still cause damage, if only by setting other things on fire. You may want to keep a fire extinguisher handy for this purpose. However, you must let a vampyr burn out entirely. When a vamp burns, all that can be left is ashes. A vampyr in sunlight will usually take 30 seconds to incinerate entirely, depending on size and age.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Killing the dead
There are a number of valid ways to kill a vampyr. None of them involve garlic. The only thing garlic will kill is your sex life.
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oh come on fuck face(do you mind if i call you fuck face....you do well tough shiti'm gonna keep calling you it)look just grow up and get fucking laid my buddy sat next to me is thinking more grown up then you fuck face come on all you think about is this vampire hunting shit that no one would be so fucking open with it's people like you that make me sick you know what you've meet my friend narkotik od right well he just happen's to be an angel just like me and we have both grown very tired of the way the world is so we are on orders to destroy anything we wish and we are gonna start with you......................................................................................................................see how fucking stupid that sounds that is what you were thinking as you read it but that is what you sound like you sad fuck
ah... so THAT's where all the periods that were supposed to be in your posts went... they all came and hid right here.
and here i was thinking you just had shit for brains.
Well well, the man has a mouth, well son, i'd rather have liquid shit for brains rather than a decriped old IOU note from the man upstairs that say he OWES you a brain, my god man, you attempt to insult my friend Mayhem, yet fail miserably, because what you fail to see is that me and he are friends and where he will prefer to out right bruatalise you, yet when it comes to me, I favor the more long winded, out right pimp slapping of your pastey geeky craka ass, if you can even come back to me with a decent insult then maybe, just maybe, i'll actually use my talents and insult you to the point of making your little shrimp dick shrivel up and dissapear inside you..in other words, your cock will invert making you the woman that you've allways wanted to be -pwned-, boy, you just have been pwned by Narkotik Overdose -owner of .HAK//Viral Definition-.
We salute you for being so FAGTASTIC and giving us a fun time ^^.
Later on
hay daggy, do want a good time?!!!if yes then find a prostitute and pay him alot, because lets face it no woman in their right mind would fuck you. oh and i think you should check out your own fuck punctuation before you have a go at others you total fucking prick. love ya lots olliexxxxx
p.s. punctuation means full stops, commer ect. (i figured if you think your a vampyr hunter then you clearly are dumb enough not to know what punctuation is you wank stain on humanity) xxxxxxxxx
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